Retro Revival
Trading Card Game

Retro Revival is a retro-futuristic Sci-Fi card game with retro style art tcg which aims to deliver a simple and fun tabletop gaming experience. Join our discord playing group or watch demo games! Click the link: Retro Revival Official Discord
The Generals
Meet the Generals. Generals start the game in play to represent players. When a general dies, the controller loses the game. Ranking counters can be purchased by players to promote their general. Ranking counters increase the power of each card within a player’s hand and deck. This mechanic ensures all cards will play differently throughout the game. As the game matures more Generals will be released to enhanced theme-based play.
Constructs are crafted machines and geographical places, which provide a range of unique once per turn abilities. Constructs have stats like Units but cannot declare an attack.
Action cards provide range of benefits and their duration varies. Some actions last the entire game and increase the value of each additional card played. Other actions resolve immediately. Action cards with ranking provide the player with 3 separate actions (Rank 1, Rank 2, & Rank 3). This provides an incentive for players to rank their generals.
Retro Revival uses a unique set of resource features to make every game fun and engaging, while giving players more control over their experience. Each player starts the game with 6 facedown Reactor cards. At the start of each turn, one reactor is zoned into play (turned face up). This ensure each player always has 6 resources to play cards from their hand. Players may add more reactors to their deck. Each player also starts the game with an energy bank for storing a secondary currency called “energy”. These energies can be spent like resources but provide a way for players to carry over unspent resources.
Energy Bank
Retro Revival has a unique set of mechanics based around ambushing your opponent. Ambushing is a unique way to delay your opponent from drawing their better cards by shuffling AMBUSH cards into their deck.
Retro Revival has different control mechanics to keep the game balanced. The first control mechanic uses lock counters to turn off a card’s abilities. This a super powerful effect and players are encouraged to run a few sources of lock counters. Players may pay 2 resources to remove a lock counter on their own turn. Lock Counters allow attackers to sneak by units with guard or deny an opponent a reward.
The second control mechanic uses tax counters. Tax Counters prevent opposing generals from attacking. Players must pay 2 resources to remove a lock counter. This mechanic forces players to make difficult resource management choices.
The third control mechanic uses an ACTION STACK. This is one of the most advanced mechanics in the game because it triggers on a specific set of game conditions. The Action Stack allows a player to create an open ended action such as “counter the next card played by an opponent”. What if you wanted to copy this effect 5 more times? The action stack allows a player to create an open ended action then copy the action several times. Although there is more than one copy of an action on the action stack, only ONE action can be used per triggering event. The other copies of the action are saved. Players use action counters to track the number of uses per action stack. Therefore, an action stack with 5 “counter the next card played by an opponent” will counter FIVE SEPERATE cards played by an opponent.

Articles ( more coming soon)

Mission cards are similar to Quests in Hearthstone. I say similar because they do not translate 1 for 1. MTG players will need a little bit of training on how to use them.
Mission cards provide extreme value to the player. Mission cards will state how many things are required to complete them. Usually, the requirements are between 5 and 7. For example, if the mission states “give your general seven shield counters” then the player must continue to give their general shield counters until they reach or exceed their target.
The player is rewarded for each triggered ability on the mission card. This provides an incentive for players to contribute to their mission. Lastly, you get a "completion bonus" that should offer the player a unique reward.
This cycle of mission cards will have a focus on supporting the rank mechanic. The rank mechanic gives players up to two bonus abilities for acquiring rank counters on their general. This first set of cards has many cards with the rank mechanic so this will provide a lot of value and synergy deck building.